воскресенье, 9 ноября 2014 г.

Великий 2011-ый год

Чудесно! Мой первый проект попал в веб-архив:


О Великое Дао! Код тоже сохранился:


Мама мия! Даже корневая формочка тут.

И переписка на w3.org!


Stop the web of texts! Start a web of things!
This is the main idea of this site. Here you'll find a solution to the majour problem of the internet today. The flood of information has grown to an overwhelming amount. Search for "black cat" in Google produces 80 000 000 pages. When you ask a more specific question like "black cat which lives in London and likes milk" you get rubbish. You get pages that contain all the words:
It is a myth that cats like to be alone the majority of the time. ... If your cat loves milk, it is ok to spoil him with a few sips now and again, ... They are currently living in a "cat safe" room that is completely black at night. ... Abandoned kittens in London rescued! A tale of two kitties by LondonGirl ...
Perhaps it were a better result when you'd get as an answer "We have no information on such cats".
The reason for search failures is that the computer can't understand to which object a word is related to. For example, when you talk about a thing and give it different names. "I like summer and warm weather. I hate winter when it's cold. This story started in my favorite time of year." How can a computer guess that "time" is related to "summer"? There is no way. Computers can't understand human texts because they don't possess human experience.
So the solution is obvious. We must give to computers information about things that come up in our texts. Then they can have a chance to get the message. Ontologies and meta tags are popular now. The only problem is no one wants to give additional efforts explaining to machines what is meant. It is sufficient that humans understand.
We suggest to change the approach to thinking of the internet as a collection of texts. Instead we must view the web as a collection of things. A node in the web is an aspect of a single object. "Cat" is a node and "black" is a node. These two nodes are connected. And they relate to one single cat. Real or imaginary. It is not a general notion of a cat or blackness. In this case the web becomes a semantic database, that can manage search requests like "black cat which lives in London and likes milk".
More articles will follow soon. If you want to dive in now turn on the node panel. You can view the PHP code in file index.php.txt.

// This code requires PHP 5.3 because it uses late static binding.
// UTF-8 without BOM
class node {

 protected $id; // string
 protected $parents; // collection
 protected $children; // collection
 protected $creation_time;
 protected $last_update_time;
 protected $to_be_updated; // boolean
 private static $count; // integer
 private static $cache = array(); // array

 public function __construct ($id=null) {
  $this->id = static::compose_id($id);
  $this->parents = collection::construct();
  $this->children = collection::construct();
  $this->creation_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
  $this->last_update_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
  $this->to_be_updated = false;
 public static function exists ($id) {
  if (is_string($id) && strlen($id) > 0) {
   $path = static::path($id);
   return file_exists($path);
   exit('Invalid '.static::class_name().' ID: '.var_dump($id));
 public static function construct ($id=null) {
  $instance = null;
  // try to read from file
  if (!is_null($id) && static::exists($id)) {
   $instance = static::read ($id);
  // create if allowed
  if (is_null($instance) && true) {
   $instance = static::create($id);

  return $instance;
 public function __destruct () {
  if ($this->to_be_updated) {
   $this->to_be_updated = false;
   $this->last_update_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
 public function must_be_updated ($decision=true) {
  $this->to_be_updated = $decision;
  return $this;
 public function id () {
  return $this->id;
 public function parents () {
  return $this->parents;
 public function children () {
  return $this->children;
 public function creation_time () {
  return $this->creation_time;
 public function last_update_time () {
  return $this->last_update_time;
 public static function remove ($id) {
  $path = static::path($id);
  if (file_exists($path)) {
 public static function count () {
  return self::$count;
 protected static function create ($id=null) {
  $class = static::class_name();
  $instance = new $class ($id); // object properties are initialized by __construct()
  return $instance;
 protected static function read ($id) {
  if (isset(self::$cache[$id])) { // get node from cache
   return self::$cache[$id];
  $instance = null;
  if (static::exists($id)) {
   $instance = unserialize(base64_decode(file_get_contents(static::path($id))));
   if (!(is_object($instance) && is_a($instance, __CLASS__))) {
    $instance = null;
   }else{ // put node to cache 
    self::$cache[$id] = $instance;
  return $instance;
 protected static function update (node $instance) {
  if (isset(self::$cache[$instance->id()])) { // remove from cache
  $path = static::path($instance->id());
  $bytes = file_put_contents($path, base64_encode(serialize($instance)));
  if ($bytes === false) {
   exit('A '.__CLASS__.' object could not be updated.');
 protected static function delete (node $instance) {
 protected static function compose_id ($inspiration=null) {
  if (!is_null($inspiration) && !static::exists($inspiration)) {
   $id = $inspiration;
   do {
    $id = '_'.md5($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].time().rand(1, 1000000).var_dump($inspiration));
   } while(file_exists(dirname(static::path($id))));
  return $id;
 protected static function class_name () { // overload this function in child classes
  return __CLASS__;
 protected static function class_directory () {
  return static::class_name();
 protected static function class_file () {
  return static::class_name().'.txt';
 protected static function path ($id) {
  $ds = static::directory_separator();
  $path = rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), $ds).$ds.static::class_directory().$ds.$id.$ds.static::class_file();
  return $path;
 protected static function make_directory ($path) { // secure that the given directory exists and return transformed path
  $ds = static::directory_separator();
  $current_directory = rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), $ds);
  $short_path = str_replace($current_directory.$ds, '', $path);
  $path_array = explode($ds, $short_path);
  $file_name = array_pop($path_array);
  foreach ($path_array as $directory) {
   $current_directory .= $ds.$directory;
   if (!file_exists($current_directory) || !is_dir($current_directory)) {
    $ok = mkdir($current_directory, 0777);
    if (!$ok) {
     exit('Folder '.$current_directory.' could not be created.');
 protected static function directory_separator () {
  if (strpos(__FILE__, '\\')) {
   $directory_separator = '\\';
  }elseif(strpos(__FILE__, '/')) {
   $directory_separator = '/';
   $directory_separator = '/';
  return $directory_separator;

class word extends node {

 protected $entities; // collection
 protected $view; // string
 public function __construct ($id=null) {
  $this->entities = collection::construct();
  $this->view = '';

 public function entities () {
  return $this->entities;

 public function ponder (entity $entity) {
  // update ids
  // update parent word list
  foreach ($entity->parents()->to_array() as $id) {
   $parent_entity = entity::construct($id);
  // update child word list
  foreach ($entity->children()->to_array() as $id) {
   $child_entity = entity::construct($id);
  return $this;

 public function recollect () {
  $this->to_be_updated = true;
  $children = collection::construct();
  $parents = collection::construct();
  foreach ($this->entities->to_array() as $id) {
   if (entity::exists($id)) {
    $here = entity::construct($id);
    // check word
    if ($here->name() != $this->id) {
     $this->entities->remove($id); // entity has other name
    // collect children
    foreach ($here->children->to_array() as $there_id) {
     if (entity::exists($there_id)) {
      $there = entity::construct($there_id);
      if ($there->parents()->exists($here->id())) {
       $there->parents()->add($here->id()); // repare connection

    // collect parents
    foreach ($here->parents->to_array() as $there_id) {
     if (entity::exists($there_id)) {
      $there = entity::construct($there_id);
      if ($there->children()->exists($here->id())) {
       $there->children()->add($here->id()); // repare connection

    $this->entities->remove($id); // entity absent
  $this->children = $children;
  $this->parents = $parents;
 public function set_view ($view) {
  $this->view = $view;
  return $this;
 public function view () {
  return $this->view;

 public static function dictionary () {
  $dictionary = array();
  $ds = static::directory_separator();
  $path = rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), $ds).$ds.static::class_directory().$ds;
  $paths = glob($path.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
  foreach ($paths as $path) {
   $dictionary[] = iconv(static::file_system_encoding(), static::php_encoding(), basename($path));
  return $dictionary;
 protected static function class_name () { 
  return __CLASS__;
 protected static function path ($id) {
  $ds = static::directory_separator();
  $id = iconv(static::php_encoding(), static::file_system_encoding(), $id);
  $path = rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), $ds).$ds.static::class_directory().$ds.$id.$ds.static::class_file();
  return $path;
 protected static function php_encoding () {
  return 'UTF-8';
 protected static function file_system_encoding () {
  return 'Windows-1251';

class entity extends node {
 protected $name; // string
 protected $view; // string
 protected $owner; // string
 public function __construct ($id=null) {
  $this->name = '';
  $this->view = self::USE_DEFAULT_VIEW;
  $this->owner = '';
 public function __destruct () {

  if ($this->to_be_updated) {
   if ($this->name != '') {
  parent::__destruct ();

 public function set_name ($name) {
  $this->name = $name;
  $word = word::construct($name);
  return $this;
 public function name () {
  return $this->name;
 public function set_view ($view) {
  $this->view = $view;
  return $this;
 public function view () {
  $view = $this->view;
  return $view;
 public function owner () {
  return $this->owner;

 public function display ($arguments=null) {
  // prevent displaying
  if (isset($_GET['display']) && in_array($_GET['display'], array('0', 'off', 'out'))) {
   return __FILE__.': '.__FUNCTION__;
  // display
  $q = query::construct();
  $e =& $this;
  $view = $this->view();
  if ($view == self::USE_DEFAULT_VIEW) {
   $view = word::construct($this->name)->view();
  eval(' ?>' . $view . '<?php ');
  $html = ob_get_contents();
  //$html = iconv('UTF-8', 'Windows-1251', $html);
  return $html;
 public static function compose_owner ($email, $encripted_password) {
  return $email.':'.$encripted_password;
 public function change_possible ($owner) {
  if ($owner == $this->owner || $this->owner == '') {
   return true;
   return false;
 public function take_ownership ($owner) {
  if ($this->change_possible($owner)) {
   $this->owner = $owner;
  return $this;
 public function drop_ownership ($owner) {
  if ($this->change_possible($owner)) {
   $this->owner = '';
  return $this;
 public function give_ownership ($old_owner, $new_owner) {
  if ($this->change_possible($old_owner)) {
   $this->owner = $new_owner;
  return $this;
 public static function add_child ($name, $parent, $view = entity::USE_DEFAULT_VIEW) {
  // create
  $child = entity::construct()->set_name($name)->set_view($view);
  $child_id = $child->id();
  // bind
  // update
  $child = entity::construct($child_id);
  return $child;
 public static function add_parent ($name, $child, $view = entity::USE_DEFAULT_VIEW) {
  // create
  $parent = entity::construct()->set_name($name)->set_view($view);
  $parent_id = $parent->id();
  // bind
  // update
  $parent = entity::construct($parent_id);
  return $parent;
 public static function remove_child ($name, $parent) {
 public static function remove_parent ($name, $child) {
 public static function check_parent ($parent_name, $child) {
  if ($child->parents()->count() !== 1) return false;
  $parent_id = array_pop($child->parents()->to_array());
  if (!entity::exists($parent_id)) return false;
  $parent = entity::construct($parent_id);
  if ($parent->name() != $parent_name) return false;
  return $parent;
 protected static function class_name () { // use static::class_name() to call this function
  return __CLASS__;

class collection {

 private $collection;

 public static function construct () {
  $class = __CLASS__;
  $instance = new $class ();
  $instance->collection = array();
  return $instance;
 public function add ($value) {
  if (!$this->exists($value)) {
   $this->collection[] = $value;
 public function remove ($value) {
  $key = $this->key($value);
  if ($key !== false) {
   $this->collection = array_values($this->collection); // fill the gap
 public function exists ($value) {
  $key = $this->key($value);
  if ($key !== false) {
   return true;
   return false;
 public function count () {
  return count($this->collection);
 public function up ($value) {
  $key = $this->key($value);
  if ($key === 0) {
   $this->collection[] = $value;
   $this->collection[$key] = $this->collection[$key-1];
   $this->collection[$key-1] = $value;
  return $this;
 public function down ($value) {
  $key = $this->key($value);
  if ($key === (count($this->collection)-1)) {
   array_unshift($this->collection, $value);
   $this->collection[$key] = $this->collection[$key+1];
   $this->collection[$key+1] = $value;
  return $this;
 public function to_array () {
  return $this->collection;
 public function to_string ($separator=',') {
  return implode($separator, $this->collection);
 private function key ($value) {
  return array_search($value, $this->collection);
class query {

 protected $name; // string
 protected $selection; // collection

 protected static $script_start_time;
 protected function __construct ($name=null) {
  $this->name = '';   
  $this->selection = collection::construct();
  if (!is_null($name)) {
   if (is_object($name)) {
    if (is_a($name, 'query')) {
     $this->name = $name->name();
     $this->selection = $name->to_collection();
    }elseif (is_a($name, 'entity')) {
     $this->name = $name->name();
    }elseif (is_a($name, 'word')) {
     $this->name = $name->id();
     $this->selection = $name->entities();
   }elseif (word::exists($name)) {
    $this->name = $name;   
    $this->selection = word::construct($name)->entities();
   }elseif (entity::exists($name)) {
    $anchor = entity::construct($name);
    $this->name = $anchor->name();
 public static function construct ($name=null) {
  $class = __CLASS__;
  $instance = new $class ($name); 
  return $instance;

 public function name () {
  return $this->name;
 public function get ($name=null) {
  $instance = static::construct($name);
  return $instance;
 public function with ($description) { // filter
  if ($this->name == '' || $this->selection->count() == 0) return $this; // skip in empty objects
  list($delimitors, $names) = static::delimitors_and_names($description);
  foreach ($this->selection->to_array() as $entity_id) {
   if (entity::exists($entity_id)) {
    $current_entities = array(entity::construct($entity_id));
    foreach ($names as $index => $name) {
     $results = array();
     $delimitor = $delimitors[$index];
     if ($delimitor == ':') { // leads to parents
      foreach ($current_entities as $current_entity) {
       $this->find_parents($name, $current_entity, $results);
       if (count($results) == 0) { // decide
     }elseif ($delimitor == '.') { // leads to children
      foreach ($current_entities as $current_entity) {
       $this->find_children($name, $current_entity, $results);
       if (count($results) == 0) { // decide
     }elseif ($delimitor == '=') { // leads to view
      foreach ($current_entities as $current_entity) {
       if (isset($name[0])) {
        $operation = $name[0];
        switch ($operation) {
         case '*':
          $operand = substr($name, 1);
          if (strpos($current_entity->view(), $operand) !== false) {
           $results[] = $current_entity;
         case '^':
          $operand = substr($name, 1);
          if (strpos($current_entity->view(), $operand) === 0) {
           $results[] = $current_entity;
         case '$':
          $operand = substr($name, 1);
          if (strpos(strrev($current_entity->view()), strrev($operand)) === 0) {
           $results[] = $current_entity;
          $operand = $name;
          if ($current_entity->view() == $operand) {
           $results[] = $current_entity;
     $current_entities = $results;
  return $this;
 public function without ($description) { // filter
  if ($this->name == '' || $this->selection->count() == 0) return $this; // skip in empty objects
  list($delimitors, $names) = static::delimitors_and_names($description);
  foreach ($this->selection->to_array() as $entity_id) {
   if (entity::exists($entity_id)) {
    $current_entities = array(entity::construct($entity_id));
    foreach ($names as $index => $name) {
     $results = array();
     $delimitor = $delimitors[$index];
     if ($delimitor == ':') { // leads to parents
      foreach ($current_entities as $current_entity) {
       $this->find_parents($name, $current_entity, $results);
       if (count($results) > 0) { // decide
     }elseif ($delimitor == '.') { // leads to children
      foreach ($current_entities as $current_entity) {
       $this->find_children($name, $current_entity, $results);
       if (count($results) > 0) { // decide
     $current_entities = $results;
  return $this;
 public function find ($description) { // collect amongst children (.) or parents (:)
  $found_entities = collection::construct();
  if ($this->name == '' || $this->selection->count() == 0) return $this; // skip in empty objects
  list($delimitors, $names) = static::delimitors_and_names($description);
  foreach ($this->selection->to_array() as $entity_id) {
   if (entity::exists($entity_id)) {
    $current_entities = array(entity::construct($entity_id));
    $results = array();
    foreach ($names as $index => $name) {
     $results = array();
     $delimitor = $delimitors[$index];
     if ($delimitor == ':') { // leads to parents
      foreach ($current_entities as $current_entity) {
       $this->find_parents($name, $current_entity, $results);
     }elseif ($delimitor == '.') { // leads to children
      foreach ($current_entities as $current_entity) {
       $this->find_children($name, $current_entity, $results);
     $current_entities = $results;
    $this->name = $name;
    foreach ($results as $entity) {
  $this->selection = $found_entities;
  return $this;
 public function parents () { 
  if ($this->name == '' || $this->selection->count() == 0) return $this; // skip in empty objects

  $parents = collection::construct();
  foreach ($this->selection->to_array() as $entity_id) {
   if (entity::exists($entity_id)) { // avoid creating new entities
    foreach ($entity->parents()->to_array() as $parent_id) {
  $this->selection = $parents;
  return $this;
 public function children () {
  if ($this->name == '' || $this->selection->count() == 0) return $this; // skip in empty objects

  $children = collection::construct();
  foreach ($this->selection->to_array() as $entity_id) {
   if (entity::exists($entity_id)) { // avoid creating new entities
    $entity = entity::construct($entity_id);
    foreach ($entity->children()->to_array() as $child_id) {
  $this->selection = $children;
  return $this;
 public function split () {
  $split_array = array();
  foreach ($this->selection->to_array() as $id) {
   if (entity::exists($id)) {
    $split_array[] = $this->get($id);
  return $split_array;
 public function to_views ($arguments=null) {
  $views = array();
  foreach ($this->selection->to_array() as $id) {
   if (entity::exists($id)) {
    $views[] = entity::construct($id)->display($arguments);
  return $views;
 public function to_names () {
  $names = array();
  foreach ($this->selection->to_array() as $id) {
   if (entity::exists($id)) {
    $names[] = entity::construct($id)->name();
  return $names;
 public function to_links () {
  $links = array();
  foreach ($this->selection->to_array() as $id) {
   if (entity::exists($id)) {
    $links[] = '<a href="?entity_id='.$id.'">'.entity::construct($id)->name().'</a>';
  return $links;
 public function to_ids () {
  return $this->selection->to_array();
 public function to_entities () {
  $entities = array();
  foreach ($this->selection as $id) {
   if (entity::exists($id)) {
    $entities[] = entity::construct($id);
  return $entities;
 public function to_collection () {
  return $this->selection;
 public function to_view ($arguments=null, $separator='', $wrapper_top='', $wrapper_bottom='') {
  $view = '';
  $views = $this->to_views($arguments);
  if (!empty($views)) {
   $view .= $wrapper_top;
   $view .= implode($separator, $views);
   $view .= $wrapper_bottom;
  return $view;
 public function to_menu ($separator='', $wrapper_top='', $wrapper_bottom='') {
  $menu = '';
  $links = $this->to_links();
  if (!empty($links)) {
   $menu .= $wrapper_top;
   $menu .= implode($separator, $links);
   $menu .= $wrapper_bottom;
  return $menu;
 public static function notation_to_code ($notation, $variable = '$q') {
  $code = '';
  if ($notation != '') {
   $code = $notation;
   $code = str_replace('?[', '->find(\'', $code);
   $code = str_replace('+[', '->with(\'', $code);
   $code = str_replace('-[', '->without(\'', $code);
   $code = str_replace(']', '\')', $code);
   $arrow_position = strpos($code, '->');
   if ($arrow_position !== false) {
    $word = substr($code, 0, $arrow_position);
    $code = $variable.'->get(\''.substr_replace($code, $word.'\')', 0, strlen($word)).';';
    $code = $variable.'->get(\''.$code.'\');';
  return $code;
 public static function set_script_start_time () {
  self::$script_start_time = self::time();
 public static function time () {
  $mtime = microtime();
  $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
  $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
  return $mtime;
 public static function time_elapsed () {
  return self::time() - self::$script_start_time;
 protected function find_parents ($name, $entity, &$parents=array(), &$track=array()) {

  if ($this->time_elapsed() > 10) { // s
  if (memory_get_usage() > 6*1048576) { // Mb
  if ($entity->parents()->count() == 0) { // no parents
  foreach ($entity->parents()->to_array() as $parent_id) {
   if (entity::exists($parent_id)) {

    if (in_array($parent_id, $track)) { // avoid repetition
     $track[] = $parent_id;
    $parent = entity::construct($parent_id);
    $parent_name = $parent->name();
    if ($parent_name == $this->name) { // avoid overlapping

    if ($parent_name == $name) { // names match
     $parents[] = $parent;
    $this->find_parents($name, $parent, $parents, $track); // recursive function
 protected function find_children ($name, $entity, &$children=array(), &$track=array()) {

  if ($this->time_elapsed() > 10) { // s
  if (memory_get_usage() > 6*1048576) { // Mb
  if ($entity->children()->count() == 0) { // no children
  foreach ($entity->children()->to_array() as $child_id) {
   if (entity::exists($child_id)) {

    if (in_array($child_id, $track)) { // avoid repetition
     $track[] = $child_id;
    $child = entity::construct($child_id);
    $child_name = $child->name();
    if ($child_name == $this->name) { // avoid overlapping

    if ($child_name == $name) { // names match
     $children[] = $child;
    $this->find_children($name, $child, $children, $track); // recursive function

 protected static function delimitors_and_names ($description) {
  preg_match_all('/(\.|\:|\=)([^\.\:\=]+)/', $description, $matches);
  $delimitors = $matches[1];
  $names = $matches[2];
  return array($delimitors, $names);
class panel {
 private $entity; // entity
 private $owner; // string
 private $search_query; // string
 public static function construct ($id=null) {
  $class = __CLASS__;
  $instance = new $class ();
  return $instance;
 public function set_entity (entity $entity) {
  $this->entity = $entity;
  return $this;
 public function set_owner ($owner) {
  $this->owner = $owner;
  return $this;
 public function set_search_query ($search_query) {
  $this->search_query = $search_query;
  return $this;
 public function change_name ($name) {
  $old_name = $this->entity->name();
  $word = word::construct($old_name);
  $word->must_be_updated()->__destruct(); // update
  return $this;
 public function add_child ($child) {
  $id = trim($child, ' ');
  if (entity::exists($id)) { // id given
   $entity = entity::construct($id);
  }else{ // name given
   $entity = entity::construct()->set_name($child);
  $entity->display(); // run action entity
  $entity->must_be_updated()->__destruct(); // update
  $word = word::construct($this->entity->name());
  $word->must_be_updated()->__destruct(); // update
  return $this;
 public function add_parent ($parent) {
  $id = trim($parent, ' ');
  if (entity::exists($id)) { // id given
   $entity = entity::construct($id);
   $entity = entity::construct($parent);
  }else{ // name given
   $entity = entity::construct()->set_name($parent);
  $entity->must_be_updated()->__destruct(); // update
  $word = word::construct($this->entity->name());
  $word->must_be_updated()->__destruct(); // update
  return $this;
 public function remove_child ($id) {


  if (entity::exists($id)) { 
   $entity = entity::construct($id);
   $entity->must_be_updated()->__destruct(); // update

  $word = word::construct($this->entity->name());
  $word->must_be_updated()->__destruct(); // update
  return $this;

 public function remove_parent ($id) {


  if (entity::exists($id)) { 
   $entity = entity::construct($id);
   $entity->must_be_updated()->__destruct(); // update

  $word = word::construct($this->entity->name());
  $word->must_be_updated()->__destruct(); // update
  return $this;
 public function delete_child ($id) {
 public function delete_parent ($id) {
 public function up_child ($id) {
  return $this;
 public function up_parent ($id) {
  return $this;
 public function down_child ($id) {
  return $this;
 public function down_parent ($id) {
  return $this;
 public function change_view ($view) { // TODO: remove risky function calls from $view
  $old_error = serialize(error_get_last());
  try {
   $old_error_handler = set_error_handler(array(__CLASS__, 'view_error_handler'));
   $display = $this->entity->display(); // try out
  } catch (Exception $e) {
   echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
  $new_error = serialize(error_get_last());
  if ($old_error == $new_error) {
  return $this;
 public function view_to_default ($view) {
  if ($view != entity::USE_DEFAULT_VIEW) {
   $word = word::construct($this->entity->name())
   unset($word); // update
 public function view_from_default () {
  $word = word::construct($this->entity->name());
 public function delete_view () {
  return $this;
 public function take_entity () {
 public function drop_entity () {
 public function give_entity ($owner) {
  $this->entity->give_ownership($this->owner, $owner);

 public function user_can_change () {
  return ($this->entity->owner() == '' || $this->entity->owner() == $this->owner);
 public function add_to_query ($command, $word) {
  if (!empty($word) && word::exists($word)) {
   switch ($command) {
    case '':
     if (empty($this->search_query)) {
      $this->search_query = $word;
    case 'find_below':
     if (!empty($this->search_query)) {
      $this->search_query .= '?[.'.$word.']';
    case 'find_above':
     if (!empty($this->search_query)) {
      $this->search_query .= '?[:'.$word.']';
    case 'with':
     if (!empty($this->search_query)) {
      $this->search_query .= '+[.'.$word.']';
    case 'without':
     if (!empty($this->search_query)) {
      $this->search_query .= '-[.'.$word.']';
    case 'in':
     if (!empty($this->search_query)) {
      $this->search_query .= '+[:'.$word.']';
    case 'not_in':
     if (!empty($this->search_query)) {
      $this->search_query .= '-[:'.$word.']';
    case 'that_is_with':
     if (!empty($this->search_query) && strrpos($this->search_query, ']') == strlen($this->search_query)-1) {
      $this->search_query = substr($this->search_query, 0, strlen($this->search_query)-1);
      $this->search_query .= '.'.$word.']';
    case 'that_is_in':
     if (!empty($this->search_query) && strrpos($this->search_query, ']') == strlen($this->search_query)-1) {
      $this->search_query = substr($this->search_query, 0, strlen($this->search_query)-1);
      $this->search_query .= ':'.$word.']';
  return $this;

 public function html () {
  $user_can_change_class = '';
  if ($this->user_can_change()) {
   $user_can_change_class = ' user_can_change ';
  $html = '
     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
      * { font-family: sans-serif; }
      body, table {padding:0; margin:0;}
      form,div,a { padding:0; margin: 0; }
      td { vertical-align: top; padding: 10px; }
      textarea { width: 100%; height: 200px; }
      ul.links li form { display: inline; }
      .options form { display: inline; }
      .layout.general { width: 100%; }
      .layout.general td.title { width: 150px; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; }
      form.button { display: inline; }
      a.node { text-decoration: none; }
      a.node:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
      .node.parent { color: green; }
      .node.child { color: navy; }
      .node.self { color: red; font-weight: bold; }
      .referrer { color: purple; }
      .user_can_change { background-color: #eeffee; }
     <div class="panel '.$user_can_change_class.'">
      <table class="layout general">
        <td class="title">Id:</td>
        <td class="title">Name:</td>
         <form method="post">
          <input class="node self" type="text" name="name" value="'.$this->entity->name().'" />
          <input type="submit" value="Change" />
        <td class="title">Parents:</td>
         <form method="post">
          <input class="node parent" type="text" name="parent" value="" />
          <input type="submit" value="Add" />
        <td class="title">Children:</td>
         <form method="post">
          <input class="node child" type="text" name="child" value="" />
          <input type="submit" value="Add" />
        <td class="title">View:</td>
         <form method="post">
          <textarea name="view">'.$this->entity->view().'</textarea>
          <input type="submit" name="view_change" value="Change" />
          <input type="submit" name="view_to_default" value="To default view" />
          <input type="submit" name="view_from_default" value="From default view" />
          <input type="submit" name="view_delete" value="Delete view" />
          <input type="submit" name="view_auto" value="Auto" />
        <td class="title">Ownership:</td>
        <td class="title">Search:</td>
         <form method="post">
          <input type="submit" name="update_query" value="Update query" />
          <textarea name="search_query">'.$this->search_query.'</textarea>
        <td class="title">Panel:</td>
         <form method="post" action="?entity_id='.$this->entity->id().'&panel=off">
          <input type="submit" value="Off" />
  return $html;

 public static function view_error_handler ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
  switch ($errno) {
   case E_USER_ERROR:
    echo "<b>View ERROR</b> [$errno] $errstr<br />\n";
    echo "  Fatal error on line $errline in file $errfile";
    echo ", PHP " . PHP_VERSION . " (" . PHP_OS . ")<br />\n";
    echo "Aborting...<br />\n";

    echo "<b>View WARNING</b> [$errno] $errstr<br />\n";

   case E_USER_NOTICE:
    echo "<b>View NOTICE</b> [$errno] $errstr<br />\n";

    echo "Unknown error type in view: [$errno] $errstr<br />\n";
  /* Don't execute PHP internal error handler */
  return true;
 private function child_list () {
  $list = "\n";
  if ($this->entity->children()->count() > 0) { 
   $list .= '<table>';
   foreach($this->entity->children()->to_array() as $id) {
    if (entity::exists($id)) {
     $entity = entity::construct($id);
     $referrer_mark = '';
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'entity_id='.$entity->id()) !== false) {
      $referrer_mark = '<sup class="referrer">*</sup>';
     $title = substr(strip_tags(strtr($entity->display(), "\n\t", '  ')), 0, 20);
     $list .= '<tr>'."\n";
     $list .= '<td><a class="child node" href="?entity_id='.$entity->id().'&panel=on" title="'.$title.'">'.$entity->name().'</a> '.$referrer_mark.'</td>'."\n";
     $list .= '<td>';
     $list .= '<form class="button" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="remove_child" value="'.$entity->id().'" /><input type="submit" value="X" /></form>'."\n";
     $list .= '<form class="button" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="delete_child" value="'.$entity->id().'" /><input type="submit" value="#" /></form>'."\n";
     $list .= '<form class="button" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="up_child" value="'.$entity->id().'" /><input type="submit" value="<" /></form>'."\n";
     $list .= '<form class="button" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="down_child" value="'.$entity->id().'" /><input type="submit" value=">" /></form>'."\n";
     $list .= '</td>';
     $list .= '</tr>'."\n";
     // remove entity
   $list .= '</table>';
  return $list;
 private function parent_list () {
  //$word = word::construct($this->entity->name());
  $list = "\n";
  if ($this->entity->parents()->count() > 0) { 
   $list .= '<table>';
   foreach($this->entity->parents()->to_array() as $id) {
    if (entity::exists($id)) {
     $entity = entity::construct($id);
     $referrer_mark = '';
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'entity_id='.$entity->id()) !== false) {
      $referrer_mark = '<sup class="referrer">*</sup>';
     $title = substr(strip_tags(strtr($entity->display(), "\n\t", '  ')), 0, 20);
     $list .= '<tr>'."\n";
     $list .= '<td><a class="parent node" href="?entity_id='.$entity->id().'&panel=on" title="'.$title.'">'.$entity->name().'</a> '.$referrer_mark.'</td>'."\n";
     $list .= '<td>';
     $list .= '<form class="button" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="remove_parent" value="'.$entity->id().'" /><input type="submit" value="X" /></form>'."\n";
     $list .= '<form class="button" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="delete_parent" value="'.$entity->id().'" /><input type="submit" value="#" /></form>'."\n";
     $list .= '<form class="button" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="up_parent" value="'.$entity->id().'" /><input type="submit" value="<" /></form>'."\n";
     $list .= '<form class="button" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="down_parent" value="'.$entity->id().'" /><input type="submit" value=">" /></form>'."\n";
     $list .= '</td>';
     $list .= '</tr>'."\n";
     // remove entity
   $list .= '</table>';
  return $list;

 private function child_options () {
  $list = "\n";

  if ($this->entity->name() != '' && word::exists($this->entity->name())) {
   $word = word::construct($this->entity->name());
   if ($word->children()->count() > 0) { 
    $list .= '<div class="options">';
    foreach($word->children()->to_array() as $id) {
     $list .= '<form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="child" value="'.$id.'" /><input type="submit" value="'.$id.'" /></form>'."\n";
    $list .= '</div>';
  return $list;
 private function parent_options () {
  $list = "\n";

  if ($this->entity->name() != '' && word::exists($this->entity->name())) {
   $word = word::construct($this->entity->name());
   if ($word->parents()->count() > 0) { 
    $list .= '<div class="options">';
    foreach($word->parents()->to_array() as $id) {
    $list .= '<form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="parent" value="'.$id.'" /><input type="submit" value="'.$id.'" /></form>'."\n";
    $list .= '</div>';
  return $list;

 private function ownership_form () {
  $html = '';
  if ($this->entity->owner() == '') {
   $html .= '<div>Entity belongs to the public.</div>';
   if ($this->owner != '') {
    $html .= '<form method="post">';
    $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="take_entity" value="" />';
    $html .= '<input type="submit" value="Take ownership" />';
    $html .= '</form>';
   if ($this->entity->owner() != $this->owner) {
    $html .= '<div>Entity belongs to '.$this->entity->owner().'</div>';
    $html .= '<div>Entity belongs to you.</div>';
    $html .= '<form method="post">';
    $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="drop_entity" value="" />';
    $html .= '<input type="submit" value="Drop ownership" />';
    $html .= '</form>';
    $html .= '<form method="post">';
    $html .= '<span>New owner: </span>';    
    $html .= '<input type="text" name="new_owner" value="" />';
    $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="give_entity" value="" />';
    $html .= '<input type="submit" value="Give ownership" />';
    $html .= '</form>';
  if ($this->entity->owner() != $this->owner) {
  if (empty($this->owner)) {
   $html .= '<form method="post">';
   $html .= '<span>E-mail: </span>';
   $html .= '<input type="text" name="email" value="" />';
   $html .= '<span>Password: </span>';
   $html .= '<input type="password" name="password" value="" />';
   $html .= '<input type="submit" value="Log in" />';
   $html .= '</form>';
   $html .= '<div>You are '.$this->owner.'</div>';   
   $html .= '<form method="post">';
   $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="logout" value="" />';
   $html .= '<input type="submit" value="Log out" />';
   $html .= '</form>';
  if ($this->entity->owner() == '' || $this->entity->owner() == $this->owner) {
   $html .= '<div>You can edit this entity.</div>'; 
   $html .= '<div>You can not edit this entity.</div>'; 

  return $html;

 private function dictionary_list () {
  $dictionary_list = '<select name="dictionary">';
  $dictionary_list .= '<option value=""></option>';
  foreach (word::dictionary() as $word) {
   $dictionary_list .= '<option value="'.$word.'">'.$word.'</option>';
  $dictionary_list .= '</select>';
  return $dictionary_list;
 private function search_command_list () {
  return '
   <select name="search_command">
    <option value=""></option>
    <option value="find_above">find above</option>
    <option value="find_below">find below</option>
    <option value="with">with</option>
    <option value="without">without</option>
    <option value="in">in</option>
    <option value="not_in">not in</option>
    <option value="that_is_with">that is with</option>
    <option value="that_is_in">that is in</option>
 private function search_list () {
  $search_list = '';
  if (!empty($this->search_query)) {
   $q = query::construct();
   $q = eval('return '.query::notation_to_code($this->search_query).';');
   $search_list = $q->to_menu();
  return $search_list;
 private function update_entity () {
  $my_id = $this->entity->id();
  $this->entity = entity::construct($my_id);



// session

// panel on/off
if (isset($_GET['panel'])) {
 if (in_array($_GET['panel'], array('1','on','yes'))) {
  $_SESSION['panel_on'] = true;
 }elseif(in_array($_GET['panel'], array('0','off','no'))) {
  $_SESSION['panel_on'] = false;
$panel_on = isset($_SESSION['panel_on']) ? $_SESSION['panel_on'] : false;

// owner set/unset
if ($panel_on) {

 if (isset($_POST['email'], $_POST['password'])) {
  $email = $_POST['email'];
  $password = $_POST['password'];
  $encripted_password = function_exists('encript_password') ? encript_password($password) : md5($password);
  $_SESSION['owner'] = entity::compose_owner($email, $encripted_password);
 if (isset($_POST['logout'])) {
$owner = isset($_SESSION['owner']) ? $_SESSION['owner'] : '';

$default_entity_id = '_00000000000000000000000000000000';
if (!entity::exists($default_entity_id)) {
 entity::construct($default_entity_id)->set_name('default entity')->must_be_updated();
$entity_id = (isset($_GET['entity_id'])) ? $_GET['entity_id'] : $default_entity_id;

if (entity::exists($entity_id)) {
 $entity = entity::construct($entity_id);
 if ($panel_on) {
  $panel = panel::construct()
  if ($panel->user_can_change()) {
   if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['parent'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['child'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['remove_parent'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['remove_child'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['delete_parent'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['delete_child'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['up_parent'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['up_child'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['down_parent'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['down_child'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['view'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['view_change'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['view_to_default'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['view_from_default'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['view_delete'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['view_auto'])) {

   if (isset($_POST['take_entity'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['drop_entity'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['give_entity'], $_POST['new_owner']) && !empty($_POST['new_owner'])) {
   if (isset($_POST['search_query'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['update_query'], $_POST['dictionary'], $_POST['search_command'])) {
     $panel->add_to_query($_POST['search_command'], $_POST['dictionary']);

  echo $panel->html();
  echo $entity->display();


понедельник, 3 ноября 2014 г.

URI в художественном тексте

Обнаружил нечто похожее на адреса в художественном тексте. Приведу исследуемый отрывок рассказа Марка Твена:

It was summer time, and twilight. We were sitting on the porch of the farm-house, on the summit of the hill, and "Aunt Rachel" was sitting respectfully below our level, on the steps, -- for she was our servant, and colored. She was of mighty frame and stature; she was sixty years old, but her eye was undimmed and her strength unabated.
Ниже приведу URI, ведущие от большего к меньшему.

